Mo- sorry I haven't been around, I am so busy. My weeks are drive/work/drive/clean/cook/school/news, weekends are clean/protest/cook/news/school.
GRRR. I will call you (i think u sent your number) and fill you in where I am vague (by design, have to be).
Judi- Keep on truckin, woman. We're making progress, no matter what anyone thinks.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Posted by
Headed to Rissah
10:46 AM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Saffron Revolution
BTW: Saffron threads are red like the robes of the monks that many saw pictures/videos of in the streets of Burma.
Now... if you would like to help the Saffron Revolution, the first thing you can do is join Facebook and become part of the 'Support the Monks' Protest in Burma" group. There's lots of info there and people are organizing and posting events around the world. Please support democracy, freedom, and peace!
Please be constructive and remained focused if you join the site.
Posted by
Headed to Rissah
11:04 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I've been reading here...
Posted by
Headed to Rissah
12:11 PM
Monday, October 08, 2007
Keep the news about BURMA going
Don't forget about the Burmese people and the oppression of peace and the intolerable actions taken against them and the monks of Burma. Please, people, do not let this slip by- keep the news alive and going, even when news does not stream out each day and as newspapers downgrade it. It's still happening and will get worse if we start to turn away.
Do not forget these people as apathy and terror are diseases that spread like wildfire. The only way to fight them are to stay strong and let those who commit heinous crimes against humanity know that we are all watching.
I spent some time with a couple of heros, real ones- not like on TV or in comics. Real heroes who fight for justice. I will not go into detail about our conversations or who these people are for their own safety, but there's no denying the lifelong effects of what they have been through, yet they keep going. There's no turning my back on them. Any of them. Please stand with us and support freedom and democracy not only in Burma, but around the world. People need us.
All this violence has got to stop. We're destroying ourselves. It's got to stop.
Posted by
Headed to Rissah
8:38 PM
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
And sign this
If you feel powerless and would like to do at least something for the situation in Burma (Myanmar) sign this...
You can also join efforts such as those being made by Amnesty International (Yes, I am a mamber!).
Give peace a chance.
Posted by
Headed to Rissah
12:35 PM
Oct. 4, 2007"Free Burma", do this...
Don't blog... just post the banner. I'll be joining in.
Posted by
Headed to Rissah
12:14 PM