EU to Block Free-trade Deal with Asean unless Burma Reform
The European parliament will oppose any free-trade deal between Europe and Southeast Asia unless Burma makes democratic reforms, visiting parliamentarians warned Friday.
"Without any change in Myanmar [Burma], there will be no agreement from the European parliament on the FTA" with the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations, German lawmaker Hartmut Nassauer told reporters.
Nassauer, head of a nine-member European parliament delegation visiting the Philippines, rejected suggestions by some Asean members that sanctions should not be imposed on the military-led country. Europe will maintain sanctions and isolate Burma as long as reforms are not put in place, he said.
Apocalypse Naypyidaw!
After living for decades under a military-ruled Burma and witnessing the junta’s bloody crackdown on monks and innocent people on the streets in September, many Burmese have begun calling for, not diplomacy, but air strikes and international intervention.
No, it’s not a joke. And it’s not just the exiled Burmese who are saying this—it’s those inside Burma as well.
Norwegian NGO Stops Funding Burmese Student Army
A Norwegian non-governmental organization that works exclusively with Burma has stopped its financial support to a Burmese students’ armed group this week, according to a leading member of the exiled students group.
According to a letter dated November 21 from the Norwegian Burma Committee sent to the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front, the NBC is “disappointed and very concerned” to learn that the ABSDF released a statement on October 4, 2007, in which it declared its decision to conduct active military action against the military regime in Burma.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Some news
Posted by
Headed to Rissah
12:50 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Stay posted for Burma products
I will post design pictures of shirts, headbands, sweats, hoodies, caps, and other things we will be selling to raise money for Burma.
Posted by
Headed to Rissah
2:48 PM
We're proud to present
Yeah, I look like poo there. So what? It's for a good cause.
Submit your picture with the words "don't forget Burma" and spread the word to everyone you know.
TODAY a new groundbreaking campaign will be launched to show the world that normal people have not forgotten Burma and to show the brave pro-democracy protestors who took to the streets a few weeks ago that the world has not forgotten them.
The media spotlight above Burma is dimming by the day, hundreds of the peaceful protestors that took to the streets not long ago are still under arrest and are being tortured daily - now more than ever Burma needs your support.
Go to to see the messages of support that have been left so far and leave your own! Some of them are inspirational - many of them are quite funny - all of them show that we haven't forgotten Burma.
Posted by
Headed to Rissah
2:42 PM
Thursday, November 08, 2007
I love this...
Thanks to komyint74 for the video. It's beautiful.
Thanks to all those who fight for democracy and freedom for Burma.
Posted by
Headed to Rissah
2:34 PM
Monday, November 05, 2007
What Have I been Up To?
Aside from work, school, and family, I've been going to weekly protests downtown.
We're selling Free Burma t-shirts and headbands as well. I will put up pictures of them soon. We talked about selling beanie caps and sweatshirts (and hoodies) too. All proceeds will go to the cause, of course.
Lots going on, can't talk about much of it. But I can say that we are not backing down. We're going to keep fighting.
Posted by
Headed to Rissah
8:06 AM
Sunday, November 04, 2007
I hope Gambari has some true success
I hope no one is taken tonight
I hope the political prisoners are soon freed
I hope to see Burma thrive in my lifetime.
Posted by
Headed to Rissah
7:28 PM
Friday, November 02, 2007
So busy
Sorry, been do busy. Work, school, kids, Burma. Not much time for here, all my time is going elsewhere. It'll pay off. I know it all will. Jeg- all my updates pretty much go up in the group. :| You;ll see them. BTW Tara is a friend of mine and she's really cool.
Mo- sorry, my time is being horded. Can't say no tho. Crazy stuff going on. So much!
Posted by
Headed to Rissah
7:43 PM