I stopped writing. Too many things came up... :(
Anyway, I am back and I am pisssssssssssssed.
Let's talk about the presidential candidates for a sec. Ok, why do people have such an issue this coming election? I am totally confused. I am Democrat for life! I am supporting my party because OF WHAT IT STANDS FOR. We stand for equality and justice and humanity for all. We stand for what America is supposed to be about. Why are people so hard pressed to vote for Barack after Hillary's loss? Guess what people? Hillary won. She won the first place as a woman running in this insanity and she won the recognition of millions. Why let the Democratic party fail for that? Guess what else? Democrats are long standing supporters of women, minorities, and all that the "norm" won't support. Why the hell would anyone who is Democratic not embrace this?
I had my issues in the beginning too. Barack is too new, he's too green in the field. But guess what? It IS time for a change and I don't think a seasoned old white man is gonna do that for us. I don't think someone under the clutches of Republican rule will do it. It's time the Democrats took over again.
Let's look at the differences:
Republicans care about land ownership, privitization, singularism, listening to the same old BS about "this is an internal affair" and doing nothing, using up resources like they will never expire (hey, lets drill in ANWR, no one needs some animals and land her and there), off shore drilling (really, we don't need this ocean or land)
Democrats have a different view (thus I am one) so they care about all of us having the "American Dream" (which has slipped further and further from me under Republican rule), all of us owning this land, environmentalism (yeah, me a big supporter- no Bush's last minute acts don't lure me at all aside from thinking, "That mofo is trying to woo me after his fact"), Humanity (OMG, didn't we care about people and support this all along? even while we were told internal affairs weren't our business and stuff?) and the right of every person (to be heard and accounted for).
ELECTOINS ARE UP TO EVERY FREAKING ONE OF US. We ALL matter. Especially with the BS we've been given the last two elections.
Human Rights Violations are not an internal affair, it is up to all of us as fellow humans. If you see a kid suffereing to his or her parents, will you shut your mouth because you think it's an internal affair? If so, shame on you. If you won't, you ought to be pissed like me about the way things are going. And oh yeah, if you are ok with it, maybe you should go somewhere else, maybe even back to wnhere you came from , or at least stop voting with us. I am sorry (not so much really-I am from somewhere taken from the US as a territory to a state so don't even try to argue this with me) but humanity is something every person should feel and experience. And if you have the right to feel it I bet you are in a situation to act on it otherwise you'd be too damn desperate to think about it. Shame on you. Act already.
I am so tired of hearing thAT THE oLYMPICS ARE AN INTERNAL AFFAIR. That is such BS, Olympics are great, the CCP sucks ass.
No really, we are so conditioned here to be nationalists that we forget to see details. Look at what is going on, otherwise whatever you read here will really piss you off.
Which leads me to the Olympics. I am so happy for all competitors and all who have worked so hard to be there, because they have worked hard and they deserve recognition for it. But I do not agree with allowing the Olympics to a group who decided to LIE about cleaning up Human Rights as a LIE to get the Olympic bid. The IOC sees this but won't act. Everyone who pays attention has seen this and in their rightful human minds won't flip out at what I have to say, otherwise you try living in Burma or Darfur and les't see what your ass says in a year- with no American support. Why can't the world get together and redo this. China was given the Olympics, one stipulation being they'd fix their Human Rights records, which they have no intention of doing. And yet the world encourages them to move on. WTF. Seriously, WTF??? They lied and acted list assholes (pardon my FRENCH- teehee). They lied. They lied to us all but we don't care because the Olympics are happening and they are an internal affair. How bout you kiss my ass and pressure wash it while you're there, you mindless sheep BAAAAAAAAAAAAA. My friggin ass. They lied and we allow it, all of us in this free world. Wow, why can't we give a shit about people not in a free world and try to help them?
oh yeah, no benefit in it for us. Damn, we suck really badly. I am so ashamed.
DO NOT get me started on animal rights or we'd be here foreve, but China has the top record for abuses there on the watch list.
Again, back to the delegates, Michelle said for the first time she was proud to be an American, I have yet to mean that but bless that strong woman for saying it. I love Hillary and her husband and I wait for us to stand together- I stand with them already but do you? Or would you rather bitch for another term? Aside from that I stay home and hope I don't piss off too many people too fast (at least not the wrong ones, obviously).
Ted Kennedy has it right. We need to get past pettiness and get together for hope for thr future, foir change, for what's right. JFK had balls and see what was done to him? Why don't the rest of us grow some and stand as one. Let's make this happen. I love this place too, can't imagine living anywhere else. But there's a lot to improve, and we can do it together. Why don't others see this?
Grow some guts, think aloud, think right. We sadly still have a long way to go. I am so sorry for the victims of this. If all you do is skim by then what's the point?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
OMG People Piss Me Off- and Welcome Me Back
Posted by
Headed to Rissah
5:25 PM
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